
Somac, the most powerful print security solution

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Security Solution


We protect your technology assets and important informationwith a total solution to prevent printout leakage.

As interest in the protection of industrial technology has increased in recent years,there is a growing need for security paper around government agencies, defense industry,

high technology, financial industry, information related organizations and companies. Despite the active security management of public institutions and companies,the problem of information leakage continues to arise each year.In particular, "document printout" is the most common type of information leakage.

정보유출 소스별비중

If employees of organizations or companies can print or photocopy the documents containing internal information and simply walk out with them, the loss of information assets of organizations or companies will always occur even when the leakage of information is precluded by hardware and network. To prevent potential leakage of printed materials(documents), our Mac integrates the security paper/printer/gate into one total solution to protect your valuable technical assets and important information.

Total solution integration of security paper / printer / gate
Issues of printout leakage prevention
  • Extracted the customer information and output it with the printer of the company and handed it to a third party, not controlled at all when printed by the printer (Digital Times,)
  • A researcher who has taken out key semiconductor technologies also printed out about 1,000 company core technology documents before leaving the company (Sisa Journal,)
  • Leakage of the Cheonan sinking situation diary - Displayed on the screen, printed out and leaked (Dong-A Daily News,)
  • Not easy to find printout leaked outside with internal control ... (Wow Korea Economic Daily TV,)
  • If the internal staff makes a determination, even Samsung Electronics can not stop it (Sisa Journal,)
  • The Privacy Law also requires companies to take measures to ensure the stability of paper documents as well as electronic documents. (Digital Times)

Absolutely needed for a security solution to prevent printout (document) leakage